Navigating the holidays during this pandemic may look a lot different than in past years. Many of us may be staying home instead of traveling, attending fewer parties, and finding ourselves in fewer social situations that involve excess eating and drinking.
All these things combined should mean less temptation to overeat or drink too much, right? This should also mean no extra pounds over the holidays, right???? Not necessarily. Many of the holiday habits that result in weight gain from Thanksgiving to New Years’ can still be present without a busy social agenda.
We want to celebrate and enjoy our favorite holiday dishes and desserts, even with staying home. It is easy to forget the work it takes to lose those extra holiday pounds, especially when we are enjoying an extra bite of cheesecake (for the third night in a row)! By adopting these simple strategies from the team at Woodlands Wellness & Cosmetic Center, you can still enjoy the holidays without regret gaining weight.
1. Stay active
Find time every day to get up and move, take a walk, do a virtual class, set at a timer, and aim for at least 30 minutes of activity each day.
2. Be mindful of portion sizes
Fill your plate at least ½ full of vegetables and include a lean protein and healthy fats with every meal.
3. Make dessert a weekly treat, not a nightly treat
You don’t have to totally eliminate all those yummy cookies and cake. Just limit them to once a week.
4. Keep a food diary
This is extremely helpful, especially if you are an “absent-minded” eater and have no idea what you eat in a day. Recording your food will help you stay on track.
5. Get enough sleep.
Sleeping at least 7 hours per night helps regulate hunger hormones, and too little sleep can consume more calories.
6. Avoid snacking on empty carbohydrates
Crackers, chips, donuts, cookies, bread, and junk foods cause insulin spikes and result in poor blood sugar control and afternoon ‘crashes.
7. Limit your daily intake of added sugar
Sugar is added to more foods than you’re likely aware. Read labels and keep your intake to 25 grams per day.
8. Include fiber with every meal
Fiber is an essential nutrient that helps to keep us feeling full. Fill up on veggies, nuts, and seeds.
9. Limit alcohol
The old adage “all good things in moderation” applies here. Limit alcohol consumption to 1-2 drinks per week
10. Reach out
At Woodlands Wellness & Cosmetic Center we specialize in regenerative and functional medicine, and offer several weight-loss tools and programs to help you achieve your ideal weight. Give yourself the gift of health and skip the holiday weight-gain this year and beyond!
To learn more about our weight loss plans, contact us by phone or book an appointment online today.